When it comes to the regular changes we make to our menu, Alina is one of the most important people in the Nutriento team as her passion for everything healthy can be found on a plate in its purest form. She is an advocate for a healthy lifestyle and is one of the people who help build the Nutriento menu. We love her passion for healthy eating and we wanted to find out more, so we thought it would be important for you to get to know her as well.
What is a healthy lifestyle?
A healthy lifestyle is a balanced lifestyle from both nutritional and spiritual perspectives. From the nutritional point of view, we need to provide our bodies with all the necessary nutrients it needs in order to fulfill its daily needs.
What nutrition actually teaches us is that foods have to go through the digestive system as well as through rational filters and that any nutritional excesses or deficiencies have major impacts on our health.
Are food supplements necessary?
They are especially given the nutritional habits we follow these days. More specifically, I am talking about the levels of processing found in the products we eat as they cannot offer our bodies all the needed nutrients so it is important to support the intake of said nutrients with food supplements coming from natural sources.
What are the most important nutritional elements to keep in mind?
In order for our body to be healthy, we need about 40 nutrients, some of which are sources of energy for life. Nutrients fall into several important categories, namely: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. No food contains all of these nutrients, so it is very important to approach a diet as varied as possible.
2l of water daily. Myth of reality?
It is not myth, nor is it reality. In theory we need 40 ml / kg body weight / day, but it should be noted that we must take into account the needs of each body, age and dietary factors. Since most living foods contain significant amounts of water, we can intake a good portion of our water intake by consuming them.
But yes, water is a very important element to keep in mind, given that it is part of most of the metabolic processes that take place in our body. It helps digestion, hydration, cleansing the body and let’s not forget that the structure of the human body contains between 55% and 78% water.
What are superfoods?
Superfoods are both food and medicine. This category includes plants that are highly concentrated in nutrients, having a profound effect on health and have the ability to energize the body, strengthen the immune system, purify and alkalize the body.
Some examples of superfoods would be: goji, blueberries, acai, spirulina, baobab powder, ginko biloba that we can integrate into our daily diet in optimal quantities.
What are the steps to change unhealthy eating habits? Is there a simplified way to adopt a healthy eating style?
A first step we need to take is raising awareness, understanding and putting into practice the principles behind a rational diet.
It is important to remember that eating habits are the ones that influence our health the most and starting from here, through small changes in the choices we make, we can reach a better state of health.
Some habits we should adopt are:
-increasing the intake of nutrients by consuming a larger amount of raw fruits and vegetables;
-avoiding processed foods as they do not bring any benefit to the body in spite of the promises they make. Ingredients widely used in the production of processed foods such as saturated fats, added sugar, are specific elements of poor quality of life, due to their effects on heart disease, obesity and high blood pressure;
-to seek to introduce as many whole grains in our diet, products that are as close as possible to their natural state, these being much richer in nutrients, so essential for the proper functioning of the body;
– choosing sources of healthy fats, such as unsaturated fats from vegetable sources beneficial to the body, sources such as nuts, seeds, avocados, olives; trying to reduce the consumption of saturated foods as much as possible, as the vast majority comes from animal products and processed foods, as their excessive consumption leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, increased cholesterol;
-it is important to maintain the balance of the plate, an ideal percentage would be a quarter of protein sources, a quarter of cereals (carbohydrates), and half to be represented by fruits and vegetables;
-and last but not least, to exercise as much as possible and not to forget to hydrate our body.
What principles is the Nutriento menu built upon?
The Nutriento menu is built on healthy principles for both our body and the environment; more precisely, we consider using products that are as close as possible to their natural state, unrefined, as little processed as possible, without added sugars or saturated fats and other food additives, toxic to our body, products that give our body a dose of energy and energy. nutrients it needs daily.
In terms of environmental health, our goal is to stock up on local sources and build the menu around the foods that are available through each season.
How do you see the evolution of Nutriento?
The evolution of this concept lies in the impact it can make over time on the health of all consumers, regardless of their food preferences, as long as we are aware of the importance of a rational diet and the fact that we can prevent an imbalance of our health rather than to get to the point where we have to treat it.
What in Nutriento is inspiring to you?
What inspires me most is the initiative and the desire to normalize a diet as rich in plant-based products as possible. These products, if managed to be integrated into our diets as often as possible, will result in numerous benefits, not only for our bodies, but for the environment too.
What is a healthy plant-based lifestyle?
I think it is essential to know our own nutritional needs so that our nutritional choices can provide the body with everything it needs.
The most important thing is to increase the intake of plant-based foods as much as possible regardless of the diet we approach and it is equally important to differentiate between the basic needs that our body has and the habits adopted over time, habits that have unfortunately become a norm and that actually hurt not only us, but also the environment.
How do you see the healthy future and where do you think food trends are heading?
I believe that a healthy future is closely linked to the choices each of us make when it comes to our health, choices that have a major impact on both our well-being and the environment.
I want to believe that people will be more and more aware when it comes to their own health and will adopt trends that are as beneficial as possible from all points of view.